SFB TRR 352 Mathematics of Many-Body Quantum Systems and Their Collective Phenomena

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Equal Opportunity

All members and institutions of TRR 352 are committed to fostering diversity and inclusion among its members, regardless of gender, religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation, or special needs.

Our equal opportunity and diversity concepts are based on and will be updated according to the Research-Oriented Standards of the DFG.

Gender equality is a key management goal of the CRC, aiming to increase the representation of women at all levels and encourage their participation in mathematics careers.


  • Promoting female researchers as project leaders.
  • Enhancing career qualifications, in addition to academic qualifications, for early-career female researchers.
  • Creating a family-friendly working environment.



Bridging funds: To encourage excellent graduating female PhD candidates to continue their scientific career, we offer postdoc positions within the CRC which allow them to change places and groups.

Additional postdoc position: To promote gender diversity in recruitment, an additional postdoc position is created every two years exclusively for female scientists.

Mentoring program: We help connect female PhD candidates, postdocs and junior group leaders with international mentors, who are well recognized professors in mathematical physics or applied mathematics.

Gender sensitivity training: All scientists of the CRC are trained to ensure fair and unbiased assessment practices and counteract gender stereotypes.

Information days for female students: Information days targeting female students of master programs in mathematics, physics, and mathematical physics are organized to attract them to PhD positions.

Family-friendly policy: Family-friendly policies include scheduling committee meetings and colloquia at convenient times, providing childcare options during CRC events, and offering financial support for childcare outside regular daycare hours. Additionally, home office equipment is provided for early-career researchers with family commitments.