SFB TRR 352 Mathematics of Many-Body Quantum Systems and Their Collective Phenomena

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Junior coffee breaks

at TUM


The Junior coffee breaks are informal appointments with the aim of putting in touch the community of junior members inside the SFB. The scientific purpose is to give introductory talks to create links between people and projects.
These events can take place both in Munich and in Tubingen and are organized in hybrid form in the afternoon. Each appointment is scheduled with two half an hour talks by two speakers of different institutions.
The schedule of the upcoming talks is listed below and will be regularly updated. If you want to propose youself or someone else as speaker, please contact one of the junior representatives.

The talk in Garching will take place in room 00.10.011 (CIT Sitzungsraum 1 on the ground floor of the Math Department), the coffee break in the Math Common Room, 02.08.021 (second floor of the Math department). The talk in Tubingen will take place at the seminar room at the 4th floor.

First speaker: Severin Schraven, TUM

Title: What is the landscape function?

Abstract: For many problems in quantum mechanics it is important to have a good grasp of the operators modelling the system. The landscape function was introduced as a tool to compute spectral quantities of such operators. Numerical experiments led to many conjectures on what the landscape function should be able to capture. In this talk I will give an introduction to the topic and provide an overview of the progress made in the last decade.

Second speaker: Marius Wesle, Tübingen

Title: Algebraic description of infinite-volume lattice fermions

Abstract: The operator-algebraic description of quantum mechanical systems can be used to mathematically deal with systems, where the usual Hilbert space description becomes inconvenient or breaks down. In this talk I will discuss how, using this formalism, one can describe a system of interacting lattice fermions directly in the infinite-volume limit. This will allow us to formulate and analyse properties of the bulk of the system, such as the bulk Hall conductivity.

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Passcode: 199936